Saturday, January 15, 2011

You won't believe it!!!!!!!

You won’t Believe it!!!

What if I say Most of You is Water??  You may say I know any Livin Being is almost 9o% water……….. No big deal… No Surprise…..Borin!

Now I say….  Most of You are Bacteria!!!!..........Yes! these invisible creatures more than yourself inside you!!!................ Ah, How????

Apparently Biologists with Nothin-Borin-Else to do , thought of catchin up with fun by takin up Accountin …..and go counting no. of cells and bacteria ( I know still-more-Borin!)

What they found???? When we(Humans) are born we are 90% human cells and 10% bacterial cells…… ah, comfortin!!! Atleast we are more-we.

But what happens when a avg. human dies(70-80 yrs.)…………….. Well Bacteria till then have become nasty and reproduced like Humans-set-loose……. They swell up inside our body……….. so much that…. We are 10% us and 90% THEM!!!! Yes an avg. human oldy is 90% Bacteria!!! Whoooa!!! 


Anonymous said...

keep it up!!

Cptn. Spiff said...

yepp buddy.....keep readin
u don't need to be anonymous
chk out oder posts too